“Patton,” my human started, “the holidays aren’t about what
you get for Christmas, they are about spending time together and being thankful
for the many blessings you already have.”
Then Shasta said, “Our human does other stuff with us that are
way cooler than the Christmas presents we get.
AND, she makes really cool treats for us to eat!”
I really want that new rope, so I began to whine a
little. That was a HUGE mistake. I then got put in timeout and was told to
think about what was most important to me.
Having each other, OR having toys.
I was also reminded that I could be one of those unfortunate pups up in
the North that don’t have a human to take care of them now because of that
hurricane. It was a lot to think about.
I decided I’d rather have “play time” with my human and big
sister rather than toys and nobody to play with. I think I understand what they were trying to
say. So this Thanksgiving week I want to
say that I’m thankful I have such a cool human.
I’m thankful for my lessons she gives me because I know she wouldn’t go
through all the trouble if she didn’t love me.
I’m a blessed puppy because I have a human who would never leave me
behind and takes such good care of me.
I am going to do better about appreciating what I have rather
than being jealous another dog got something I didn’t. My human said she was proud of me and that as
a special treat for learning such a valuable lesson, she’d take me on a walk
without Shasta! Now, if I could just
convince her I’d rather have a pair of her shoes to chew on rather than a walk
without Shasta.